Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Working on AV Evasion

First off, I have to give it up to the folks at No Starch Press for their AWESOME security books.  Studying and learning; AV evasion is pretty advanced and I'm a pretty big n00b.

I tweeted today about evading Avast! and needs a bit of clarification.  First off, I used parts of the Ghost Writing tutorial, however as I'm just learning assembly and writing my own randomization operation has been completely trial and ALL error.

What I ended up with was a binary that neither Trend Office Scan or Avast! detected as malicious.  Avast! was suspicious, but would allow you to run it, failing to detect the reverse Meterpreter session.  Trend OfficeScan just ran the executable and didn't even bat an eye at it.  Corporate America uses what?

So its dirty; very dirty.  Still working on it.  More to come, I hope.


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