Friday, July 6, 2012

"I am always screwing up some mundane detail like that!"

A month or so ago I got a GuruPlug Server Plus... The details on that particular frustration will be left for another blog.....
I spent 2 hours trying to figure how why I couldn't get an iptable rule to work only to find out I had the wrong IP address; big difference between 10.60.x.x and 10.160.x.x.  Geez.  Total n00b mistake

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Small Rant, Much Praise

I've been kinda bitchy about my latptop since I had to reload it last week.  Applied some updates today to video drivers and introduced BSODs.  Checked the official support site; nothing.  Found a 2-year-old blog on the ASUS ROG forum site with a vbios fix. Great job having it, but why not have it in the mainline support...pretty big deal right?  Performance is noticablly better now.  I might get a year out this year.SWEET
This vbios update was a pretty big in terms of revisions; dramtically better.  Diablo3 was BSOD at least 1 in a 2 hour session,. Rampped the graphics up and it's rocking now.

I'm  happy with a stable system

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Working on AV Evasion

First off, I have to give it up to the folks at No Starch Press for their AWESOME security books.  Studying and learning; AV evasion is pretty advanced and I'm a pretty big n00b.

I tweeted today about evading Avast! and needs a bit of clarification.  First off, I used parts of the Ghost Writing tutorial, however as I'm just learning assembly and writing my own randomization operation has been completely trial and ALL error.

What I ended up with was a binary that neither Trend Office Scan or Avast! detected as malicious.  Avast! was suspicious, but would allow you to run it, failing to detect the reverse Meterpreter session.  Trend OfficeScan just ran the executable and didn't even bat an eye at it.  Corporate America uses what?

So its dirty; very dirty.  Still working on it.  More to come, I hope.
